Stand By Me

Vj Banks

Vj Banks

Genre: Series
Vj release date: 2023-04-03
Narration /Commentary: English to Luganda
  • 45:57

by Vj Banks

Plot: Set in the late Tang Dynasty during Emperor Wenzong's rule, the court was ruled by a group of powerful eunuchs. Tang Wenzong and Wang Yang, Li Xun, Zheng Lu, and officials set up a plan to take down the respected eunuch, Qiu Ziliang, but failed. Instead, Qiu Ziliang sentences Prime Minister Wang Yang's entire clan to death, but two of his granddaughters escape. Seven years later, the new emperor Qi Yan ascended the throne and launched the Purple Clothes Bureau to fight against his godfather, Qiu Ziliang. The sisters who were separated during the attack return with different identies. Qiu Yanzhi becomes Qiu Shiliang's god-daughter while Chen Ruoyun joins the Purple Clothing Bureau as Qi Yan's sword-bearer. Although they're on two opposing sides, the estranged sisters have similar goals as they try to take down Qiu Shiliang and restore power in the Tang Dynasty.

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