Love to the End

Vj Sammy

Vj Sammy

Genre: Series
Vj release date: 2023-04-04
Narration /Commentary: English to Luganda
  • 41:33

by Vj Sammy

Plot: When she was a teenager, Han Ka-Young's (Lee Young-Ah) father went bankrupt. Her parents then divorced. Because of her difficult situation, Han Ka-Young has taken care of the housework and her family since her teenage years. Nevertheless, she has a bright personality. Her father then starts a cosmetics company. She works at her father's company and takes her job seriously. Meanwhile, Han Ka-Young has never had a boyfriend. One day, she meets Yoon Jung-Han (Kang Eun-Tak). He is a successor to a family owned glass factory. Han Ka-Youn falls in love with him.

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