The Blood Sisters 1 - 2

Vj Sammy

Vj Sammy

Genre: Series
Vj release date: 2018-10-14
Narration /Commentary: English to Luganda
  • 1:03:48

by Vj Sammy

Plot: This fictional story follows the lives of triplets, separated as infants, and the tragic events that bring them together. The main storyline revolves around Erika, an exotic dancer in a club in Davao City. Her work as an entertainer helps provide for her sons medical bills. But her job exposes her to the seedy darkness and dangers of the business, and that is what happened one evening when she witnesses a waitress murder a syndicate member in the clubs private dancing room. The killer quickly disappears and the syndicate is eager to retrieve a ledger they think Erika took. They send assassins to silence her.

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