My Lovely Wife 18

Vj Lance

Vj Lance

Genre: Series
Vj release date: 2024-01-30
Narration /Commentary: English to Luganda
  • 11:33

by Vj Lance

Plot: Xu Nian, who witnessed her mother's death firsthand, developed mutism due to PTSD, losing her mother's care. Her father marries his lover and brings in a stepdaughter of similar age, subjecting Xu Nian to his cold indifference and the mistreatment and bullying of her stepmother, Jiang Wan Li, and her daughter, Xu Yao. However, Xu Nian has always believed that there was a hidden truth behind her mother's death. To uncover the truth, she had to pretend to be weak and innocent, playing the role of a mute girl, while in reality, she is a kind-hearted but highly intelligent woman.

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